Land available in Adibatla - Surroundings

Land available in Adibatla - Surroundings

  • Rs. 26,000,000.00

  • Price per Acre price: Rs 2.6 Cr
  • Near Mangalpalli Adibhatla
  • Suitable for plotting for residential purpose
  • Interested to buy this land...please click the below link and  book site visit today !!!


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Want To Buy/Rent Property
Want To Sell/Let Out Propertybr
Want To Construct house in your own plot
Want To Make Interior Design & Furniture for your house/flat
Property Registration service
Property Repairs/Renovation
Property Management services
Property Tax Mutation & Documentation
Home loans/ Property Mortgage
NRI Services (Parental , Relocation services etc)
Educational Services (caste/income/loans etc..)